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Santa Úrsula

Santa Úrsula is a municipality located a short distance from Puerto de la Cruz, in the northern part of the island of Tenerife. Located in the region of Acentejo, its municipal area extends from the summits located behind the town center to the coast.

The Protected Landscape of Las Lagunetas, the Special Natural Reserve of Las Palomas and the Protected Landscape of the Costa de Acentejo stand out in its surroundings, and above all, its viewpoints, among them the one of the Quinta and the one of Chipeque. In its urban core include the Church of Santa Úrsula and the Casa de la Portuguesa.


Places of interest

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Explore Santa Úrsula

9 routes proposals in Santa Úrsula

Route by San Cristóbal de la Laguna, Tenerife, Santa Úrsula and more
119 km

Route by Santa Úrsula, Tenerife, Candelaria and more
Yacimientos arqueológicos en Tenerife
178 km

Tenerife keeps an infinity of archaeological sites that give good sample of the activity that the Guanches had in the island. Through this route you can find some of the most prominent.

Route by San Cristóbal de la Laguna, Tenerife, Santa Úrsula and more
Lugares abandonados en Tenerife
228 km

Discover the strange beauty that some points of the island of Tenerife that once were bustling tourist places, that helped to develop the island or that is part of the popular island culture. This route is a trip to the past through the most outstanding abandoned places in Tenerife.

Route by Tenerife and Santa Úrsula
Los mejores sitios para comer en Santa Úrsula
1 km

Recommendation of the best places, restaurants and guachinches, where to eat in Santa Úrsula, Tenerife.

2Events near Santa Úrsula
